Nier:Automata: 2B (YoRHa No. 2 Type B) Action Doll (Plush)
Nier:Automata: 2B (YoRHa No. 2 Type B) Action Doll
New!: 3/25/2025
Manufacturer: Square-Enix
Item Code: 4988601350983
UPC: 4988601350983
S.R.P.: $74.99
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2B (YoRHa No. 2 Type B) from NIER:AUTOMATA is now an Action Doll. With movable joints and the ability to stand on her own, be it on your desk or on a shelf!
She can easily recreate some of her most iconic poses with a wide range of movement and expressiveness provided by all the small details from the lace used on her sleeves to the embroidery on her skirt.

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