Anime News

World-wide Anime Market Worth $100 Billion
Date: 2/19/2005
According to a JETRO Report, The worldwide anime market will soon be worth US$100 billion.

The report, which is summarized online by here reveals a number of statistics from 2002, 2003 and 2004.

The value of the international and various national markets comprised of home video, theatrical releases and licensing income from merchandise, broadcasts and other areas.

The report also supports recent warnings coming from the North American home video sector that revenue from home video releases has actually been decreasing. The reports shows an increase of 13% in the 4+ Billion dollar licensing market, but a 6% decrease in the half-billion dollar home video market.

The report suggests that, over time, the North American market may grow to twice the size of the Japanese market.

According to the report, over 100,000 people visited the various anime conventions across the United States in 2004 (Otakon and Anime Expo alone account for close to 50,000 attendees).
Source: Anime News Network