Anime News

Tokyo Australian Embasy Holds Emily Rodda Event
Date: 1/25/2007
Nichigo Press talks more about phantasy author and Deltora Quest creator Emily Rodda's recent trip to Japan in December. You can see an image of here there screening the 1st episode of the DQ anime with a room filled with around 100 elementary school children. The Australian embassy in Tokyo hosted the preview event, co-sponsored by the Australia-Japan Foundation. It commemorated publication of her work in 31 countries around the world. Japanese sales of the books exceeded four million copies. Australian Ambasador to Japan Mr. Murray McLean spoke before the preview, saying "This book is sensational to school children in Japan. The television version produced by Japan's animation production technology is excellent. In addition, I think that a lot of Japanese enjoy it." The popular 6 member girl band MARIA which performs the Deltora Quest theme song gave a live performance and a bouquet of flowers was presented to the author. The series began running at 8 AM from January 6th on TV Tokyo Channel 12.
Source: Anime News Service