Anime News

Worldwide Haruhi Suzumiya Updates
Date: 1/5/2007
Just before Christmas the official Japanese Haruhi Suzumiya website at was revamped. An official presence was made at Comiket 71 this past weekend, some limited edition goods were sold there. On December 23rd Kadokawa Pictures USA and Bandai Entertainment Inc. announced they will jointly release the TV anime in North America. The announcement was made at the official USA site at According to Bandai "Literally tens of thousands of people came to ASOS at midnight on 12/22 and by the time the dust had settled hundreds of thousands of requests were generated to the webserver overnight". Following the announcement, a Myspace page was launched, and in less than 24 hours, the page has ranked among the top 50 viewed pages on Myspace.
Source: Anime News Service