Anime News

LA Area College to Display Banned Manga Book
Date: 5/4/2006
Barstow Community College orders copies of Paul Gravett's Manga, 60 Years Of Japanese Comics following its removal from local libraries.

Barstow Community College in Barstow, CA, will display copies of Paul Gravett's Manga, 60 Years Of Japanese Comics following its removal from San Bernardino County libraries. The book was pulled following a request from First District county Supervisor Bill Postmus, who was responding to complaints from a local parent whose child viewed the book.

"In effect, we feel it was an act of censorship and not appropriate," said Kyri Freeman, a librarian at the college. She said she and many librarians believe the book did not go through an appropriate process before it was banned.

Because the college library material is primarily for students and faculty, members of the public may come into the library and view the books but not check them out. Children are allowed in the library only if accompanied by a parent or guardian, Freeman said.

Although the book cannot be checked out at San Bernardino County branches, it is available for purchase through the county library's website.
Source: Anime News Network