Anime News

Super Manga Blast Update
Date: 12/8/2005
Ongoing Plans for Super Manga Blast Titles Following the End of the Anthology

We spoke with Philip Simon, editor at Dark Horse, about the various titles in Super Manga Blast! and how they will be affected after the cancellation of the manga anthology.

According to Simon, who has been editing Super Manga Blast! since January 2004, the original black and white What's Michael? material will wrap up in the final issue of Super Manga Blast! and will be published in graphic novel format in April 2006. Simon says, "It?s a case of odd synchronicity that the last black-and-white What's Michael? story, ?Planet of the Cats,? concludes in the last issue of Super Manga Blast! We actually didn't plan for that to happen."

Cannon God Exaxxion volume 5 will be on sale in May 2006.

Formal plans have not yet been officiated for their other titles - Shadow Star and Seraphic Feather.
Source: Anime News Network