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eBook Sales Trending Up Date: 1/19/2011 |
eBook Sales Trending Up By Doc Doc loves his Kindle and iPad, but then I?m a gadget guy and can?t get enough new toys. So how is the market really going for eBooks? For the answer, I found a great entry on the subject by Adam Dewitz over at the Print CEO blog. According to Adam, who reports a great deal of eBook facts in his posting: 2010 will end with $966 million in eBooks sold to consumers and they forecast the industry will nearly triple to almost $3 billion by 2015. According to the Association of American Publishers, in June 2010, eBook sales had increased by 119% over June 2009?and in May 2010, e-book sales had increased by about 163% over the previous May. In 2008, eBooks accounted for 0.5% of all book sales; in 2009, eBooks accounted for 1.3% of all book sales. 2010 has seen the first million-selling e-book author(s): Steig Larsson, author of the ?Millennium? trilogy of The Girl Who? novels, has become the first author to sell one million Kindle e-books; James Patterson has become the first author to sell one million e-books in any format. An August survey conducted of UK iPad owners found that 31% prefer the iPad for the delivery of newspaper and magazine content?compared to 24% who prefer print. Why is this important to folks in the MPS/document services business? Well, Doc thinks that increasingly any decent document management program has to factor in the electronic document and provide for the creation and distribution of eBook versions of important long-form documents. Customers and suppliers are going to expect that they can access documents on their iPads and other devices ? these new gadgets aren?t just for entertainment. |
Source: ZDNet |