Anime News

Game Retailers Choose Five PGSA Election Results
Date: 11/17/2010

The recently formed Professional Game Store Association has completed its first election, and chosen its first Board of Directors. The results have been verified, and the five directors have been named:

Gordon Lugauer of Board Game Barrister will be the new President.

Amanda Arendale Sykes of Hillside Games will be Vice President.

Dan Yarrington of Myriad Games will serve as Treasurer.

Pat Fuge of Gnome Games was chosen as the Secretary.

John Coviello of Little Shop of Magic is the Member at Large.

Pat Fuge and John Coviello will serve a one-year term. The other three board members will serve for two years. Fifty-one percent of the PGSA members voted in the election.

The PGSA was founded as an organization to support and promote brick-and-mortar hobby game retail stores. More information about the new organization can be found at ?New Game Retailers Organization Formed.?
Source: ICv2