Anime News
'Blame' Anime Coming Soon Date: 4/26/2005 |
Coming soon to DVD from anime distributor Media Blasters, is a highly anticipated Japanese animated series about the destructive future set for human beings, amidst a variety of heavily steeped science fiction environments. The anime, Blame, will be arriving on store shelves this May 2005 to give animation fans an interesting bite of futuristic action. Because in a world where human civilization is in stark jeopardy, it would appear that a hero, or heroine, must rise up against the system of countless armies of enemies. The trouble of course, is not just getting such a movement started, but the trouble also comes from wondering when the struggle will end. Blame is a short anime OVA that stretches the imagination with innovative character designs and setting designs, and offers its viewership something quite unlike any other. The lead character, an engineer named Cibo, may be the only individual capable of restoring a world that is run without order to the humans that founded it. When the world is as overrun by silicon creatures as these creatures are determined and heartless in their goal of eradication, things are not looking too good. Blame continues as coexistence isn't exactly on the minds of those struggling for the plight of humans, for survival is the first means of experience in this world of chaos. Cibo has some salvaged data that just be the last hope for the world of humans in this mysterious environment; but when trapped in a society with so many levels, where ceilings are really just floors of other realities, will Cibo ever get the opportunity to restore order to the world? Distributed by Media Blasters, the anime OVA series Blame is an intriguing blend of highly stylized artwork and a massively convoluted yet compact story. Based on the original manga by Tsutomu Nihei, Blame is a post-apocalyptic world rendered as moving pictures. While Nihei has become one of the few professional Japanese comic artists to make the transition to working on US comics, the influence of his work on manga remains recognizable with the release of the Blame-manga this fall, and with the Media Blasters distribution of the Blame-anime on May 10th, 2005 for $19.95. There will also be a release of the DVD plus a T-shirt for those willing to pay an extra five dollars as well. Fans of stylish anime projects that redefine the barriers and borders of reality and fantasy are sure to enjoy this unique rendition of the influential Japanese comic book. Blame is composed of six episodes that average around five-minutes in length each. As there will be only one DVD release for this particular anime OVA from Media Blasters, the price for this science fiction anime is thus quite affordable. The listed running time of the domestic release of Blame is presently marked at approximately thirty-five minutes in total. Blame, as the anime incarnation of Tsutomu Nihei's popular cyberpunk manga, may have a larger appeal to anime fans seeking titles with a deliberate emphasis on technological artistry. |
Source: Animation Insider |